all postcodes in PL30 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL30 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL30 4NB 0 50.548158 -4.698153
PL30 4AA 0 50.456208 -4.700986
PL30 4AB 0 50.450206 -4.694107
PL30 4AD 0 50.447928 -4.70084
PL30 4AE 0 50.446562 -4.691085
PL30 4AF 0 50.442462 -4.681288
PL30 4AG 0 50.453442 -4.69852
PL30 4AH 0 50.440444 -4.682582
PL30 4AJ 0 50.46303 -4.692725
PL30 4AL 1 50.469625 -4.679736
PL30 4AN 1 50.463047 -4.681435
PL30 4AP 1 50.460492 -4.686169
PL30 4AQ 0 50.445299 -4.684223
PL30 4AR 0 50.458502 -4.68352
PL30 4AS 0 50.462624 -4.682668
PL30 4AT 0 50.460425 -4.674566
PL30 4AU 0 50.452063 -4.66353
PL30 4AW 1 50.458454 -4.690644
PL30 4AX 0 50.459055 -4.660626
PL30 4AY 0 50.463581 -4.658946